My day being a polar bear

Today I woke up then I came out of my dean then I ran to get some fish then I found lots of fish then I tried to get some fish but I couldn’t get any because they were to slippery then after a while then Ifinally got one and another than another then I went back to my dean then I saw my cubs sleeping then I woke them up and we ate the fish then we walk all the way to find another dean then we found lots of fish again then me and my cubs catched some fish then we ate them then we walked again then we found a lot of bears then we tried to run but they couldn’t catch up with them then I was tired and the other bears were gone then they found another dean then they went to sleep then the bears came again then the bears finally they caught up then they went to get more fish then they ate all the fish in the lake then we all found a giant whale then we ate that then we walked even more then we all found a spot to sleep the end.

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